Monday, October 6, 2008

God is Ground

Ground is ground,
and sky is sky.
Devil is Devil,
and God is God.
There are hierarchies above,
and there are hierarchies below.
There are starry towers of white fire,
and there are chthonic pits of black water.
There is a house at the centre, inside out,
and there is a house in-between, upside down.
In this house, there is a ladder that goes up into the sleeping sky,
and in this house, there is a tunnel that goes down into the dreaming ground.
Floor is floor,
and ceiling is ceiling.
God is Devil,
and Devil is God.
I am me,
and me am I.

1 comment:

shaun said...

"Grounding God"

I am me,
and me am I,
good is evil,
and evil is good,
walls are walls,
and windows are eyes,
from these windows
a tunnel reaches toward sky,
from where I lay sleeping
I escape upwards nocturnally,
across a ladder and awaken
in the basement of a house
out amongst the stars,
looking outward from within
I see black water sealed in jars
forged from clay ovens held above,
where hierarchies lay in wait for
their doppelgangers down below
to see a dog as a dog and
that to live is to live
and see the sky as
the sky and the
ground as the